By car (from Finale Ligure’s train station FF SS): you take the national road Aurelia (Strada Statale 1) in the direction of Savona for 1,6 Km until the fork with the SP8 (Via Calvisio, before the tunnel). Continue along this way to reach the square “Piazza Abbazia” on your right hand side. You can park there.

Duration: 1 h 30 min    Length: 5,2 Km      Elevation gain: 210 m

Trail mark: red rhombus

The trail is not well signaled but easily walkable.

From the square “Piazza Abbazia” you go up “via Asilo” until the junction with the bigger paved road (SP45) which you have to travel on until the first large bend (left side). Here you have to go straight on to reach, the unpaved narrow trail that leads to Verzi in 2 Km.

In this stretch of 2 km, you are going to cross again a paved road called “Vico Riparo”: here you  have to go uphill on this road for about 150 m to find again the unpaved trail (on your left side). This stretch offers a beautiful  view over the valley, Finalpia, Calvisio and San Bernardino.

Once you are in Verzi (you are going to bump into a large crossroad next to a graveyard), it is possible to visit the Medieval hamlet and the Church of San Gennaro, just going straight on. From the square of the Church it’s also possible to enjoy a great panorama over the “Rocca di Corno”.

Turn back and follow your steps back to the big crossroad and take, this time, the road on your left side, along the unpaved road for about 200 m to reach the trail (on your right hand side) that is going to lead you into another junction where you are going to have to turn right again. Here the trail mark changes.

Trail mark: red triangle.

This stretch of trail is well signaled and easily walkable.

The trail goes now down the hill offering a fantastic view over the valley of Finalpia and calvisio, over the coastline and over the mount Caprazoppa with his turret “Colombera”. At the end of this stretch (1 km), ignore the signed deviation and continue on the paved road through the houses. You are now in front of the little Church of Sant’Antonio. This square offers a view over Varigotti and “Punta Crena” and a drinking fountain. You have now to go on your right hand side and walk for about  150 m on the paved road to reach the signaled trail that leads back to Finalpia (on your left hand side). You are going to bump again into the paved road SP45 where you can easily find the deviation for “via Asilo” and, at the end of it, the square “Piazza Abbazia”, our starting point.


(Come scaricare tracce GPS).

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