Tracce GPS:

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(Come scaricare tracce GPS)

Itinerari presenti: 19

Difficoltà: da 6a a 7b+

Lunghezza itinerari: fino a 45 m

Fonte: Dove potrete trovare maggiori informazioni tecniche

By car (from Finale Ligure’s train station FF SS): you take the national road Aurelia (Strada Statale 1) in the direction of Savona and you turn left at the first crossroad (200 m after the roundabout). You drive now on the road SP27 (Street Domenico Brunenghi) for about 1,3 Km until you reach Finalborgo. Here you turn right joining the street SP27 towards “Feglino” for about 3,5 Km. At this point you will run into a deviation on your right-hand side for “Orco”. You take this deviation (it goes uphill) for about 2,5 Km until you are able to see a big stone made  building on your right-hand side. You turn right and u can park in the open space next to the building.