By car (from Finale Ligure’s train station FF SS): take the national road Aurelia (Strada Statale 1) towards Savona to reach Noli (9 km).

By the time you are crossing Noli, join the second fork to the left (it actually is the first one where you can turn to with a car) to arrive to the square “Piazza Lorenzo Vivaldo Vescovo” where you can park.

Car route’s total length: 9.2 Km

Trail classification: trail of historic, naturalistic and geological interest

Level: Moderate

Duration: 3 h 30 min              Length: 10.5 Km               Elevation gain: 310 m

Starting from the square, you take the street called “Via XXV Aprile” where you can find (at the very beginning) numerous trail marks: we suggest to follow the trail mark “Passeggiata Dantesca”.

Travel over “Via XXV Aprile” to find a rising staircase that goes through some villas. The trail starts past the villas. The panorama offered by this itinerary is very pleasant and evocative.

Trail mark: vertical signage “Passeggiata Dantesca”

The trail is well signalled and easily walkable. It mostly goes uphill.

The trail starts in a cobblestone street, along a dry stone wall.

Ignore the first deviation (about 300 m after) to find, just a bit beyond it, the ruins of the Lazaretto and St. Lazzaro’s Church.

Just past these two buildings, there a deviation: ignore it and keep going straight on to reach, in 600 m, the ruins of our itinerary’s second church, St. Margherita’s Church where the landscape fully opens revealing an outstanding view over the cliffs and the gulf of Noli.

Going further on, the trail passes by the ruins of another building (we suggest to not visit it since it doesn’t represent anything of interest and may result dangerous) and then it joins a bigger trail: turn left to easily and quickly reach the Captain De Albertis’ Hermitage. Back to the crossroad you keep going on (on the right, and not where you were coming from before). After 200 m you are going to run into another fork: turn left to reach the magnificent cave called “Grotta dei Briganti”. During this stretch, the trail mark changes.

Trail mark: red ball

This stretch goes steeply downhill and quickly reaches he cave. It is possible to enter the cave by a marked little tunnel over the cave. We recommend paying attention inside the cave.

Turn around and follow back your steps to get back to the last fork.

Trail mark: vertical signage “Passeggiata Dantesca”

Back to the fork, you keep going uphill for  1 Km to another crossroad : turn left to reach Cape Noli.

 Here you can enjoy once again a spectacular view over the coastline from West to East (sometimes it is even possible to see the Corsica island). This spot is called “Semaforo” and a big unpaved road starts here going towards “Le Manie”.

Trail mark: vertical signage

The trail is wide and easily walkable. This trail is popular among the bikers.

This last stretch goes to the manie’s uplands in about 2.5 Km through the area called “Cian du Feru”.

Follow the large unpaved road ignoring the little deviations. Sometimes signals appear along the walk indicating the direction to the uplands. The large meadow is our goal, a perfect place to relax and have a picnic deep into the nature.

You can turn around and follow back your steps to get back to the starting point and the car but we suggest to take a deviation that makes the way back shorter and faster. To take this deviation you simply have to go back to Cape noli following the well-known trail and then go downhill (always follow back the trail you walked on before) until a signaled deviation to the Church of St. Lazzaro. This trail goes directly to the church cutting around 1 Km of trail.


(Come scaricare tracce GPS).

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