By car (from Finale Ligure’s train station FF SS): you take the first way out to the right in the roundabout, and you drive on the national road Aurelia (Strada Statale SS1), direction Ventimiglia, for about 350 m. Then, you turn right to the SP490 until the roundabout in Finalborgo. You take the second way out going straight to the SP490 until you arrive to the square of Gorra.  Here, you keep following  the road (SP490) for 11.2 km towards Melogno (you can easily follow the road signals) ignoring every other deviation. You will arrive then to a large crossroad with a square (on the right hand side) that is used as a parking area: this spot is called “Din” and you can park here.

Car route’s total length: 15.6 km

Trail classification: trail of naturalistic interest

Level:  Moderate

Duration: 3 h                      Length: 6.5 Km          Elevation gain: 100 m

Trail mark: “Terre alte’s trail – TA”with RED – YELLOW – RED stripes . Time to time sided by the AV’s mark “Alta Via dei monti Liguri” with RED – WHITE – RED stripes

The trail is well signaled but some stretches are narrow and a bit demanding.

From the starting car park point you follow the paved road SP15 (at your right hand side facing the restaurant opposite to you) for about 250 m. Then, on the right side, you join the trail that climbs down the hill. The trail goes through thick pine and beech woods . after the first 300 m you can easily find a little and not signaled fork that leads to the “Bric del Prato’s field” where you can enjoy a wonderful  panoramic view over the hills and the sea in the distance. Now you can go back to the fork by following back this little trail. You can also rejoin the main trail by the passage that directly goes from the field to the main trail: in this case you have to go towards the abandoned car that lies at the lowest end of the field and keep going straight on for some meters.

Back to the main trail, you go on, crossing two small brooks (dry for the most of the year), and you can finally reach the shrine called “Madonna della Neve” (937 a.s.l.)

The last stretch of our itinerary follows the paved road SP23 that climbs towards the mount “Monte Alto” (1048 a.s.l.) and goes on for 2 Km to join the SP15 into a crossroad. Here, you keep going straight on to reach (in 900 m) the itinerary’s starting point.


(Come scaricare tracce GPS).

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